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Tomorrowland review

I took my boys to see Disney’s new offering this half term Tomorrowland.

It’s so difficult getting a film that suits both of my boys ages. My eldest counts Hunger Games as his favourite film and series of books. He usually balks when I mention going to see a Disney film with his 5 year old brother. Not this time though, happy days all around, Mummy included!

Tomorrowland has some clear messages for young audiences: climate change exists, but so does hope; pessimism will get you nowhere; science is power and girls can do it just as well as boys and action is better than talk. It really did have the right mix of message and action.

It’s as if there are two movies. One is a clever allegory for teenagers who are concerned about the planet, a call to action, with positive messages and role models, primarily aimed at girls. The other is a chase movie with fights and gadgets and death and this certainly kept my two glued to the screen and talking about it after with all their friends.

Interestingly Tomorrowland was one of the ‘Worlds’ that Walt Disney created in the early 1950s. The first version opened at Disneyland in 1955. I wonder what Walt would think of this film?

Of course it was brilliantly cast. George Clooney as Frank has a humorous mix of grumpy old man and witty, brilliant mind. Whilst as the villain, a utopian eminence grise called David Nix, Hugh Laurie brings a welcome touches of pure Laurie-ness.

I would recommend this film. It’s a real family day out, for everyone!

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